There are a few reasons for someone to breed horses.
Vanity can be one, as from immemorial times horses have been associated to pride and possession; profit can be another one, as breeding horses can be a profitable investment; and finally, and much more rare than you would expect, you may do it for pure love.
Pedro Passanha belongs, with no question, to this last category. It was his blind love for animals that approached him to horses as a very young child. The beauty and the charisma of these animals made the rest.
Founded in 1980, at Herdade da Malhada Velha in Ferreira do Alentejo, Pedro Passanha's Stud started with three mares from Dr. Guilherme Borba's brand. A few years after he was lucky enough to buy an extraordinary stallion that would change not only the course of his stud but the course of the lusitano breed in general. We are talking about XAQUIRO (1980-2007), who had an outstanding record of more than one hundred golden medals and ten titles of Champion of Champions in his descendants.
Today the stud counts with a group of 30 mares from Veiga and Andrade bloodline and through a careful process of selection the results are lusitano horses with great temper, exceptional movements, a huge vocation for dressage, with several Dressage Championships won, and wonderful skills for bullfighiting as well. The Champion of Champions title won at the International Lusitano Festival in 2010, represents 30 years of work, dedication and passion!